Thursday, February 28, 2013

Repost from Ruth's Machine Knitting on Facebook

Here is Ruth's post:

Had a major revelation whilst knitting this morning and just had to share with all you Passap peeps out there. Some of you may already have come across this, but to me it's new and fabulous.
I was reading Carmen Reuters notes last night - a little light reading, as we do :) and she said that when changing from rib, to the main body of your knitting, there is the tedious job of picking up the heel of the stitch next to each empty needle and placing it on the empty needles, tp prevent those unsightly little holes when moving from rib to double bed knitting. Her solution: to knit two circular passes - 1 row, over all needles required, front and back beds, and then continue in the double bed work.
I will admit, I was somewhat sceptical, BUT, I tried it today and IT WORKS!! As you can see in the photo, there are no holes, just a nice continuation of work... thank you Carmen Reuter.... I think I love you!!

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